The two most important German verbs are haben (to have) and sein (to be). As in most languages, the verb 'to be' is one of the oldest verbs in German, and therefore one of the most irregular. The verb 'to have' is only slightly less irregular, but no less vital to surviving speaking German.
The verb “To be” is said to be the most protean of the English language, constantly changing form, sometimes without much of a discernible pattern. Considering that we use it so often, it is really too bad that the verb “To be” has to be the most irregular, slippery verb in the language.

The Rules of 'Haben' in German

We'll start with haben. Look at the following table for the conjugation of haben in the present tense, along with sample sentences. Notice the strong resemblance to English for many forms of this verb, with most forms only one letter off from the English ( habe/have, hat/has). In the case of the familiar you (du), the German verb is identical to Old English: 'thou hast' is 'du hast.'
Haben is also used in some German expressions that are translated with 'to be' in English. For example:
Mother Theresa Autopsy Photos 4. JFK Autopsy Photos 2. The moment of death for a celebrity is hard to capture but seeing them after have a post mortem is standard practise. All of these images are of famous celebrities during or after their autopsy. Marilyn Monroe Post Mortem Photos 3.
Ich habe Hunger. (I'm hungry.)
Haben - To Have
List The Forms Of Be
To Be or Not to Be (Sein Oder Nicht Sein)
Forms Of Verb List With Urdu Meaning Pdf
Look at the following table for the conjugation of sein (to be) in the present tense. Notice how similar the German and English forms are in the third person (ist/is).