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Grub2Win is an open source program to safely dual-boot Windows and Linux. The latest Beta is also available. Grub2Win boots native, open source GNU Grub.

  1. Restore Grub After Windows Install
  2. Grub Boot Loader Download
  3. Grub Installer For Windows

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  • How do I get the GRUB menu to show when starting my dual-boot system? 2 answers

I was installing Ubuntu 11.10 and the bootloader install failed. I tried installing it again but it didn't work so I want to know how to install grub manually.Thanks.


marked as duplicate by LnxSlck, user76204, stephenmyall, con-f-use, belacquaFeb 20 '13 at 23:46

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2 Answers

I think this technique will not work. Because you don't know in which position you installer crashed. Check your disk first.

If you want to install grub manually then:Login using livecd. Open terminal, login as root:

find out your linux disk :

mount it:

Grub Installer Download


For more information http://shantanucse.blogspot.com/2011/10/how-to-recover-ubuntu-904-or-higher.html


In certain cases sudo update-grub might not work - it happened to me when installing Debian beside Ubuntu.

In such a case I do one of the following:

  • Create a live CD/USB of Ubuntu Secure Remix, which is an Ubuntu live with supplementary rescue tools, boot from that and use Boot Repair.

  • If you already have a regular Ubuntu live iso, create live usb with UNetbootin, live boot from that and install Boot Repair

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair &

(But apt-get update on a live USB might involve updates that take some time - and are also useless if the live usb is not persistent - so I recommend the first solution.)

Using Boot Repair to fix/reinstall GRUB is simple, just choose default/recommended repair option; more details here.

Grub installer

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Currently I have installed Manjaro, but have access to GRUB before loading the OS, my USB is recognized, but it won't boot from it, even if I manually select it.

Restore Grub After Windows Install

I've tried using different programs on another Windows machine to make the USB bootable with Windows and tried 4 ISOs using different partition types (MBR/GPT) and it still won't boot from it. I thought of fully resetting the BIOS, but I can't do it since my laptop (Innjoo Leapbook M100) doesn't have a CMOS battery and frankly, I don't think it's necessary since if I put Manjaro on a USB again, I can fully boot and install it, so it works fine.

Things I've tried to make it boot from the USB:

  • Format the drive in FAT32 and put a W7 on it. It recognizes it, but it still won't boot from it.
  • I tried the 'GPT partition scheme for UEFI' and the format for my W10 .iso auto-changes to FAT32, but the same thing happens as in W7.
  • I've also tried Unetbootin, Universal USB Installer and Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool.
  • I've tried to put W10 and W7 using Rufus as well.
  • If I use NTFS format for W10 using Rufus, it doesn't recognize it, therefor it doesn't boot from it.
  • I tried putting the W10 using DD on Manjaro. It still wouldn't recognize it.
  • The last thing I tried is putting the W10 on a USB with the official W10 tool from Microsoft that downloads and puts it on the USB. It recognizes it, but it still won't boot so I can install it.

Additional information:

  • When I was installing Manjaro, I had to use Rufus with the DD Image option.
  • My BIOS has only 3 tabs: 'Main', 'Boot' and 'Save and Exit' (Aptio Setup Utility - American Megatrends). There is no way to set up things like 'Legacy mode', nor is the 'Fast boot' option enabled.

I found this, but I don't know how to do it for a Windows. How do I do that (using GRUB 2.02)?


closed as off-topic by user117103, Charles Green, Kaz Wolfe, Wild Man, karelJul 8 '17 at 3:57

Grub Boot Loader Download

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • 'This is not about Ubuntu. Questions about other Linux distributions can be asked on Unix & Linux, those about Windows on Super User, those about Apple products on Ask Different and generic programming questions on Stack Overflow.' – guntbert, Charles Green, Kaz Wolfe, Wild Man, karel
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

Grub Installer For Windows

1 Answer

From grub type: ls (that is an L) to list your devices.

Grub Installer Download

Assuming that your USB shows up as (hd1) and there is only 1 partition type:
chainloader (hd1,1)+1


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