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  1. Ver Peliculas Gratis En Espanol

Apr 5, 2018 - Cara Enkripsi Software Dengan Secure Dongle there. Editable Descargar Programa Quien Quiere Ser Millonario Editable pepinoslash.

  • 1.

2. $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $300 $300 $300 $200 $200 $200 $100 $100 $100 Home/ school Signs Time Holidays TV FoodBirthdays Festivals 3. $100 Whats your favouritesubject? 4. Homevs.School$200

  • Talk on the phone
  • Sweep the floor
  • Study Math
  • Play football
  • Set the table
  • Listen to music
  • Study Math

5. Add a word to these words $300

  • Wash ______
  • Set ________
  • Cook _______
  • Listen to ____
  • Watch_____
  • Water ______
  • Sweep ______


  • What subject teaches us ?
  • Numbers
  • ABC
  • Drawing
  • The guitar
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$400 7. When is your birthday? $100 8. Give the ordinal numbers $200

  • =1 stfirst
  • =2 ndsecond

Ver Peliculas Gratis En Espanol

  • =
  • =
  • =
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Pelicula Quien Quiere Ser Millonario
  • =
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9. What are the 12 months of a year? $300 10. When is Christmas? When is Valentines Day? When is Halloween? $400 11. What does the sign say? $100 corridor 12. Make the rules$200 13. Whats the time on the clocks? $300 14. What time is it? $400 15. $100 What festival is on December 25 th ? 16. What 4 things can we do at Halloween? $200 17. What are 5 programs we can watch on TV?$300 Which do you like and why? 18.

  • When is Halloween?
  • What do Children say at Halloween?
  • What do we do at Christmas?
  • What do we eat at Easter?

$400 19. May I have a ___ of _____, please?$100 20. I want to drink water. Im ________. I want to eat. Im _______. I dont want to eat. Im ______.$200 21. Please give me a _____ Please give me a _____ Please give me a _____ $300 22.

  • I want a ___ of soup.
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  • May I have a ___ of coffee?
  • I want a ____ of chocolate.
