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In order to use these codes, your computer should have a separate numeric. The ALT key input is used to manually insert these letters and symbols by calling. The Num Lock light on the keyboard will indicate that the numeric key pad is on.

The copyright symbol (©) is a special character commonly used by photographers and other content creators. While copyright law does not require its use, the symbol is easily recognizable and lends an air of credibility to your intellectual property, so knowing how to type the copyright symbol on Windows and Mac can come in handy.

How to Type the Copyright Symbol in Windows

On computers running Windows, you can add the copyright symbol anywhere text can be entered with a few simple keystrokes.

For keyboards with a numeric keypad, hold down the Alt key and type 0169 using the keypad to create the copyright © symbol. 30 inch induction cooktop with downdraft.

For most laptops and other compressed keyboards, the process is different. Look for tiny numbers above the 7, 8, 9, U, I, O, J, K, L, and M keys. They act as 0-9 when Num Lock is turned on. To create the copyright system without a numerical keypad:

  1. Press Fn + NumLk to turn on Num Lock. You may have a designated NumLK key, or it might be mapped to another key.

  2. Locate the numeric keys. If you don't see the numbers on the keys, try them anyway: M=0, J=1, K=2, L=3, U=4, I=5, O=6, 7=7, 8=8, 9=9.

  3. Hold down the Alt key and type 0169 on the numeric keys. (Some laptops also require you to hold down Fn as you type)

  4. Release all the keys to see the symbol. ©

How to Type the Copyright Symbol on a Mac

For Mac computers, you add the copyright symbol anywhere text can be entered with just two keystrokes. Simply hold down the Option key and type g to create the © symbol.

Other Options for how to Type the Copyright Symbol

If the keyboard shortcut seems like too much work for you, you can always copy a copyright symbol from elsewhere and paste it into your text. The © symbol is included in the character maps on most machines.

In Windows 10, type map in the taskbar's search box and then choose Character Map from the search results.

Then, select the symbol to make it appear in the text field so that you can copy it.

You can also access the Character Map under Windows Accessories in the Start Menu.

On MacOS, simply click Edit on the menu bar and select Emoji & Symbols. Type Copyright into the search bar to bring up the symbol for you to copy.

There are large number of special symbols used in mathematical calculations. Frankly, you don’t need to be a mathematician to use these symbols, normal users also need to insert some of the mathematical symbols in documents. For example, how will you write one by two, that is half, in Microsoft Word? Here comes the alt code shortcuts. Hold one of the ALT key on your keyboard and press 189 on your numeric pad to produce ½. This will work on all Windows based Microsoft documents like Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Get 600+ Alt code shortcuts for inserting symbols and special characters.

If you don’t have a keyboard with numeric keypad, then type BD and then press “Alt” and “X” keys together. This will also produce ½, but will only work on Word documents. BD is nothing but hexadecimal code for 189.Symbols

So, basically alt code shortcuts are very useful to insert mathematical symbols and notations on your documents. Below is list of alt code shortcuts for mathematical symbols. Drop in a comment, if you see some important symbol is missing.

Alt + KeySymbolSymbol DescriptionCategory
Alt + 969ωSmall OmegaGreek Letter
Alt + 961ρSmall RhoGreek Letter
Alt + 960πSmall PiGreek Letter
Alt + 956μSmall MuGreek Letter
Alt + 955λSmall LamdaGreek Letter
Alt + 951ηSmall EtaGreek Letter
Alt + 948δSmall DeltaGreek Letter
Alt + 947γSmall GammaGreek Letter
Alt + 946βSmall BetaGreek Letter
Alt + 945αSmall AlphaGreek Letter
Alt + 937ΩCapital OmegaGreek Letter
Alt + 934ΦCapital PhiGreek Letter
Alt + 931ΣCapital SigmaGreek Letter
Alt + 928ΠCapital PiGreek Letter
Alt + 920ΘCapital ThetaGreek Letter
Alt + 916ΔCapital DeltaGreek Letter
Alt + 915ΓCapital GammaGreek Letter
Alt + 8967Wavy LineOthers
Alt + 8966PerspectiveOthers
Alt + 8965ProjectiveOthers
Alt + 8960DiameterOthers
Alt + 8925Equals To Or Greater ThanEquals
Alt + 8924Equals To Or Less ThanEquals
Alt + 8923Greater Than Equals To Or Less ThanEquals
Alt + 8922Less Than Equals To Or Greater ThanEquals
Alt + 8846Union With PlusUnion and Intersection
Alt + 8809Greater Than But Not Equals ToEquals
Alt + 8808Less Than But Not Equals ToEquals
Alt + 8805Greater Than Or Equals ToEquals
Alt + 8804Less Than Or Equals ToEquals
Alt + 8746UnionUnion and Intersection
Alt + 8745IntersectionUnion and Intersection
Alt + 8726Left SlashOthers
Alt + 8725Right SlashOthers
Alt + 8723Minus Or PlusOthers
Alt + 8722Minus SignMinus
Alt + 8709Empty SetOthers
Alt + 8706Partial DifferentialGreek Letter
Alt + 8543Fraction One ByFractions
Alt + 8542Fraction Seven By EightFractions
Alt + 8541Fraction Five By EightFractions
Alt + 8540Fraction Three By EightFractions
Alt + 8539Fraction One By EightFractions
Alt + 8538Fraction Five By SixFractions
Alt + 8537Fraction One By SixFractions
Alt + 8536Fraction Four By FiveFractions
Alt + 8535Fraction Three By FiveFractions
Alt + 8534Fraction Two By FiveFractions
Alt + 8533Fraction One By FiveFractions
Alt + 8532Fraction Two By ThreeFractions
Alt + 8531Fraction One By ThreeFractions
Alt + 8260SlashFractions
Alt + 61=EqualEquals
Alt + 247÷DivisionDivision
Alt + 215×Multiplication SignMultiplication
Alt + 190¾Fraction Three By FourFractions
Alt + 189½Fraction One By TwoFractions
Alt + 188¼Fraction One By FourthFractions
Alt + 177±Plus Or MinusOthers
Alt + 120539𝛛Bold Partial DifferentialGreek Letter
Alt + 120538𝛚Bold Small OmegaGreek Letter
Alt + 120532𝛔Bold Small SigmaGreek Letter
Alt + 120530𝛒Bold Small RhoGreek Letter
Alt + 120529𝛑Bold Small PiGreek Letter
Alt + 120525𝛍Bold Small MuGreek Letter
Alt + 120524𝛌Bold Small LamdaGreek Letter
Alt + 120520𝛈Bold Small EtaGreek Letter
Alt + 120517𝛅Bold Small DeltaGreek Letter
Alt + 120516𝛄Bold Small GammaGreek Letter
Alt + 120515𝛃Bold Small BetaGreek Letter
Alt + 120514𝛂Bold Small AlphaGreek Letter
Alt + 120512𝛀Bold Capital OmegaGreek Letter
Alt + 120509𝚽Bold Capital PhiGreek Letter
Alt + 120506𝚺Bold Capital SigmaGreek Letter
Alt + 120503𝚷Bold Capital PiGreek Letter
Alt + 120495𝚯Bold Capital ThetaGreek Letter
Alt + 120491𝚫Bold Capital DeltaGreek Letter
Alt + 120490𝚪Bold Capital GammaGreek Letter
Alt + 10870Three EqualsEquals
Alt + 10869Two EqualsEquals
Alt + 10866Plus Sign Above Equals SignPlus
Alt + 10832Closed Union With Serifs And Smash ProductUnion and Intersection
Alt + 10831Double Square UnionUnion and Intersection
Alt + 10830Double Square IntersectionUnion and Intersection
Alt + 10829Closed Intersection With SerifsUnion and Intersection
Alt + 10828Closed Union With SerifsUnion and Intersection
Alt + 10827Intersection Beside And Joined With IntersectionUnion and Intersection
Alt + 10826Union Beside And Joined With UnionUnion and Intersection
Alt + 10825Intersection Above Bar Above UnionUnion and Intersection
Alt + 10824Union Above Bar Above IntersectionUnion and Intersection
Alt + 10823Intersection Above UnionUnion and Intersection
Alt + 10822Union Above IntersectionUnion and Intersection
Alt + 10821Union With Logical OrUnion and Intersection
Alt + 10820Intersection With Logical AndUnion and Intersection
Alt + 10819Intersection With OverbarUnion and Intersection
Alt + 10818Union With OverbarUnion and Intersection
Alt + 10817Union With MinusUnion and Intersection
Alt + 10816Intersection With DotUnion and Intersection
Alt + 10815⨿AmalgamationOthers
Alt + 10811Multiplication SIGN IN TRIANGLEMultiplication
Alt + 10810Minus SIGN IN TRIANGLEMinus
Alt + 10809Plus Sign In TrianglePlus
Alt + 10808Circled Division SignDivision
Alt + 10807Multiplication Sign In Double CircleMultiplication
Alt + 10806Circled Multiplication Sign With Circumflex AccentMultiplication
Alt + 10805Multiplication Sign In Right Half CircleMultiplication
Alt + 10804Multiplication Sign In Left Half CircleMultiplication
Alt + 10803Smash ProductMultiplication
Alt + 10802Semidirect Product With Bottom ClosedMultiplication
Alt + 10801Multiplication Sign With UnderbarMultiplication
Alt + 10800Multiplication Sign With Dot AboveMultiplication
Alt + 10798Plus Sign In Right Half CirclePlus
Alt + 10797Plus Sign In Left Half CirclePlus
Alt + 10796Minus Sign With Rising DotsMinus
Alt + 10795Minus Sign With Falling DotsMinus
Alt + 10794Minus Sign With Dot BelowMinus
Alt + 10793Minus Sign With Comma AboveMinus
Alt + 10792Plus Sign With Black TrianglePlus
Alt + 10791Plus Sign With Subscript TwoPlus
Alt + 10790Plus Sign With Tilde BelowPlus
Alt + 10789Plus Sign With Dot BelowPlus
Alt + 10788Plus Sign With Tilde AbovePlus
Alt + 10787Plus Sign With Circumflex Accent AbovePlus
Alt + 10786Plus Sign With Small Circle AbovePlus
Alt + 10781JoinOthers
Alt + 10780Lower IntegralIntegrals
Alt + 10779Upper IntegralIntegrals
Alt + 10778Integral With UnionIntegrals
Alt + 10777Integral With IntersectionIntegrals
Alt + 10776Integral With Times SignIntegrals
Alt + 10775Integral With Leftwards Arrow With HookIntegrals
Alt + 10774Quaternion Integral OperatorIntegrals
Alt + 10773Integral Around A Point OperatorIntegrals
Alt + 10772Line Integration Not Including The PoleIntegrals
Alt + 10771Line Integration With Semicircular Path Around PoleIntegrals
Alt + 10770Line Integration With Rectangular Path Around PoleIntegrals
Alt + 10769Anticlockwise IntegrationIntegrals
Alt + 10768Circulation FunctionIntegrals
Alt + 10767Integral Average With SlashIntegrals
Alt + 10766Integral With Double StrokeIntegrals
Alt + 10765Finite Part IntegralIntegrals
Alt + 10764Quadruple Integral OperatorIntegrals
Alt + 10763Summation With IntegralIntegrals
Alt + 10762Modulo Two SumOthers
Alt + 10747Triple PlusPlus
Alt + 10746Double PlusPlus
Alt + 10689Circled Greater ThanOthers
Alt + 10688Circled Less ThanOthers
Alt + 10684Circled Rotated Division SignDivision
Alt + 10683Circled Cross MarkMultiplication
Alt + 10682Circled PerpendicularOthers
Alt + 10679Circled ParallelOthers
Alt + 10672Reversed Empty SetOthers
Alt + 10655Acute AngleAngle
Alt + 10653Right Angle With ArcOthers
Alt + 10652Right Angle With SquareOthers
Alt + 10624Triple Vertical Bar DelimiterOthers
Alt + 10135Bold DivisionDivision

Image for Reference

You can download the below image by right clicking and saving to your computer for offline reference.

Keyboard Shortcuts For Emoji

Alt Code Shortcuts for Maths Symbols