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5 Minute setup: Using OneGet with Chocolatey in Windows 10 Posted on November 4, 2014 by vonnie — 16 Comments ↓ OneGet is to Windows what apt-get and yum are to Linux. Fairy tail season 9 release date 2018.


Git (for Windows) – Git is a powerful distributed Source Code Management tool. If you just want to use Git to do your version control in Windows, you will need to download Git for Windows. You can choose to jump through several urls to find and download the right version or you can use the easier way. I’m going to explain the latter in this blog. For this post, you need to have Chocolatey installed on the machine. You can check here on how to do so.

Once you have done this, open a PowerShell prompt and run below one line command:

This will ask you to confirm, say yes and then it will install the virtual box for you. Below is the sample output from my machine:

Those who don’t know what package management is, it’s a new feature in PowerShell v5 and also runs on older version of PowerShell. More info here.

Chocolatey Windows Installer

How To Use Chocolatey Windows

How To Use Chocolatey Windows


For more information on git package, check here.